I don’t normally write the blog in a “I’ve done this” style. Lets face it, when I do, no-one, including me, is interested in what I say.
Even so.
Just back from the pub. Back from several pubs. I decided it would be good to see people. No-one’s phone was answered though, nor email, so that didn’t help. The first pub was full of people watching some sort of football game and not people I know. So I came back, enjoying the bike ride if nothing else.
Then to somewhere in town. Allegedly jazz. Could have been good. Wasn’t. Still, it was fun dodging pedestrians on the bike.
And so finally to the pubs around the corner. After all, I do actually know people who live around the corner, and although I seem only rarely to see them, on the occasions when it does happen it is sometimes in the pub.
But no.
The last pub, the Lescar, had a DJ. It also had a barmaid who looked like sporty spice. But mainly it had a DJ. Unfortunately, the DJ’s talents extended to hiding 30 seconds of genius amongst an endless tirade of shit. So I came home. Which is a shame. As I’m now bored.
Enough trite snippety musing. Back to trite poetry and writing.